Wednesday 14 October 2015

Preliminary Task: Final


       Our preliminary Task was to create a video using editing, filming and other skills we have learned so far. The task was to produce a short piece of film that involved two characters exchanging a couple of lines of dialogue to each other. one of the characters needed to be shown opening a door and walking across the room and sitting opposite the other character. in the short piece of film it needed to include evidence of 'shot reverse shot', 'match on action' and the '180 degree rule'. The film must also have consistent continuity running through it to make it more realistic.

       Before we started filming we had to think about a lot of things. This involved casting characters that would make the film realistic, A storyboard that had a rough idea of what each shot will look like and explains the camera angles/movements/shots that will take place, a filming schedule that would say when we are filming and a mess-en-scene location planning part which explained everything which was going to take place.

        Our filming went very well as we were able to get each clip we filmed without much background noise and it was good quality filming so looks good in the final piece. we also were able to get all of our filming complete on time. we did have to change one of the locations due to the room being used but this was not a major problem as we used one next to it. At one point however we did forget to have Elliott inside the room where he was supposed to be sitting in the room where Sam was walking into. We did not realise this until the editing stage however. We can improve on this next time however and improve on our verisimilitude.

        To start with, i had to upload all the footage that we had recorded onto the macs so that we could then put all of it on to adobe premiere pro so we could start editing it. adobe premiere pro allowed me to trim clips so that i can make them shorter and get a better fit for match on action. Adobe premiere pro also lets me add sounds to the film to make it more exciting  but also allows me to make the sounds quite for when people are exchanging dialogue. I did this by adding different key frames to each part I wanted to be quite. during the editing i had to make sure that every clip fit the screen properly which just meant pressing 'fit to frame size'. This made the quality of the film better. At the end of editing the film i added some credits to the film which made it more professional.

       Our finished Preliminary Task in my opinion does meet every aspect of the brief which needs to be followed. We have achieved good match on action, followed the 180-degree rule and included the dialogue which needed to be heard. we also have a variation of camera angles, movements and shots. this makes the film more interesting and appealing to the audience. Also i have included music which lifts the mood of the film and makes it more exciting. Transitions and match on action make it more fluent as well. the one weakness we have is that elliott was not in the room at one point when he should have been so this ruins the verisimilitude but it can be easily fixed for next time. the strongest points for our preliminary task is probably the filming itself as it is clear, smooth and is steady throughout. The area for improvement is definitely the verisimilitude to ensure that it makes sense the whole way through and things are where they should be every single time.

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