Friday, 16 October 2015

Research: History of Horror Films


The first decades that really showed what horror films were intended to do were the 20's and 30's. they really got the scare factor into the audience. these classic years saw the remakes of stories like Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and other well known films like 'Frankenstein', 'The mummy' and 'Nosferatu'.
Image result for the mummy 1932Image result for frankenstein 1931Image result for dracula 1931


The 1940's saw horror films take a step backwards due to WWII but it didn't stop the production of some films like 'Wolf Man', 'Cat People', and even sequels to the notorious monsters of Dracula and Frankenstein which led to 'House of Dracula' and 'House of Frankenstein'.

Image result for cat people

With the cinema business returning to its former glory like before the war, the 50's brought more and more gross and disgusting horror creatures to life through movies. Films like, 'The Wasp Woman', 'The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms' and 'It Came From Beneath The Sea'.

Image result for the beast from 20 000 fathomsImage result for the wasp woman


The 1960's brought about a new and different aspect of horror films to cinemas. 'Thriller' films we introduced into the world of horror. this was primarily because of Alfred Hitchcock's 'psycho'. Other movies made in the 60's included 'The birds', Carnival of Souls', 'Blood Feast' and 'Night of the living Dead'.

Image result for The birdsImage result for carnival of souls 1960Image result for blood feast (1963)


The 1970's saw a surge in horror movies. Many think that it is because of the movies that reflected the time they were made. The 70's was seen to be quite a depressing time and this could be seen in such films like 'The exorcist', 'Jaws', 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'The Omen' and 'Halloween'.
Image result for the exorcistImage result for carrie 1976Image result for the omen


This decade of horrors brought more and more scare to it due to the fact that technology had dramatically taken a huge step forward. It allowed better costumes, better graphics and led to the producing of films such as 'Hellraiser', 'Nightmare on elm Street', 'The fly', 'The thing' and 'The Shining'.

Image result for The shiningImage result for nightmare on elm street    Image result for The Fly


The idea of monsters like vampires and zombies were no longer scary enough for many people when watching a horror. The new thing to get people jumping behind there sofa were things like psychopaths and brutal murders to ordinary people with more and more strange twists happening in the films. This new breed of films included the likes of 'Se7en', 'Silence of the Lambs', 'Misery', 'Candyman' and 'sixth Sense'.

Image result for CandymanImage result for Se7en    Image result for misery


We have now reached the latest generations of horrors which has been known as 'teen horrors'. This would tend to involve a group of people getting picked of one by one by paranormal happenings, monsters, killers and leading to everyone being killed in the end. Horrors that have been successful in the 00's era have included 'The final destination sage', 'The grudge' Paranormal activity's' and 'The Descent'.
Image result for paranormal activity  Image result for the grudge   Image result for The ring

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