Wednesday 25 November 2015

Planning: From Initial Ideas to a 60 Second Pitch

Initial ideas-


  • Woods
  • Abandoned location
  • Old house
  • Spooky cinema
  • Graveyard
  • Abandoned school
  • Creepy children
  • Paranormal movements
  • psychotic murderer
  • possessed people
  • People going missing one by one
  • Group of teenagers
  • A boy and a Girl
  • Married Couple
  • Large group of people
  • Small group of people
  • Group of lads
  • Group of girls

This picture below shows our group brainstorming lots of different ideas and trying to come up with various horror movie scenarios that are quite popular. By doing this we came up with the list of different things above this section to help generate our final idea.

After we had thought of the complete idea of our horror film we had to create a 60 second pitch for our final idea which would be filmed. Within the video below, if you skip to 5:22 you will be able to see what our pitch is and get a general idea of our horror film.



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