Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Construction: Reflection On Recording.

On reflection of our recording, we did happen to run into some problems along the way. These problems included camera issues, time management and weather.

First of all, as we started recording for the first time, it was going well with no problems at all. Unfortunately the camera ran out of battery so this affected a couple of things for us. This could of been avoided if we had ensured that the camera was fully charged. Also, we found that the camera we were using wasn't the best of quality so we asked for another and were able to be upgraded to a much higher quality camera which would really improve our footage.

Another thing was time management. This was the main problem within our group as it took a while for us to get all the people we needed at the same place at the same time. Some people could do a certain time but others could not. This lead us to changing our cast a bit to suit the times that were preferred to the majority of people.

A problem which I discovered during the editing process was that our dialogue is not the best. By this I mean some parts a louder than others and some of the actors didn't speak loud enough which means they are quitter than others. This can be overcome however by simply increasing certain clips of the film whilst editing.

Some good things about our filming however included:

  • Same type of weather kept continuity.
  • Actors kept same clothes for continuity.
  • We didn't have to re-shoot any scenes again once we had finished filming.
  • Secluded area meant we were not disturbed.
These factors all helped us to ensure our filming was successful and recorded easily.

If we were to film again however, I would make sure everyone was available and that they all knew when we were filming. This saves us the hassle of getting new actors in at the last minute.

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